Anyone involved in the property management industry in Texas should be well aware of their resources. It is always helpful to have quick access to the latest information, laws and any pertinent data you may need. Below, you’ll find links to some of the industry’s greatest and most important property management resources.
Information Regarding Laws and Tenant Assistance Programs
Fair Housing Act– an act that assures that tenants are not discriminated against for race, gender, nationality, status, or age.
Equal Housing Opportunities– policy that ensures no one is turned down by a lender for discriminatory reasons.
Texas Tenant/Landlord Laws– state laws that protect both the landlord and the tenant from unrighteousness.
Housing Assistance Payments (HAP)- a form of housing contract used to help provide assistance to low income families meeting specific criteria.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)- provides families help paying rent.
Low Income Tax Properties (LITC)- provides funding for the development of low income housing through an investor.
Houston Real Estate Marketing Trends– the marketing trends in real estate for the Houston area. All property managers must stay on top of the marketing trends to effectively market the property rentals.
Persons with Disability Act– an act that assures the protection of persons with disabilities. It makes sure that they are treated with fairness.
Section 8– a voucher program that helps low income families find private homes or rental units. Anyone in this program has the right to choose where they live. The voucher is responsible for helping the family find a home and assuring it meets all the requirements for safety purposes.
Texas Property Code– this code includes all the laws pertaining to tenant and landlord duties. It creates and keeps fairness at the forefront. It also states building code violations that should be met if you wish to avoid government penalties.
Affordable Housing Act– an act that deems what is affordable by finding the median of household income for an area as rated by the local or national government. This median is recognized by the housing affordability index and current Houston market trends.